Swiss Life Arena Near Zurich Has Screwy Problem With Roof, Possible Ice Shortage Looms

Something is wrong up there – CEO Peter Zahner did not know that during a tour of the construction site in August 2021.

Stadium projects in the city of Zurich – there is always something. As if a black cloud would appear over the city on the Limmat as soon as a stadium was conceived, planned or – let alone – even built.

What has happened so far: The construction of the Swiss Life Arena of the ZSC Lions in Altstetten was stopped shortly before Christmas 2021 after quality specialists discovered faulty screws in the roof construction of the 170 million project. Since January 10th, work has been going on again, but only in areas that are not affected by the defects.

Crisis specialist takes over the communication

The ZSC Lions, as builder and general contractor HRS, endeavored to ensure joint communication and therefore commissioned a specialist with crisis communication: Hans Klaus from KMES Partner.

The problem: The ZSC Lions want to move from the Hallenstadion in Oerlikon to Altstetten as soon as possible. With bag and baggage. When the new season begins in September, the move should have been completed long ago. Not only the first team is moving: The organization also manages a training team (GCK Lions) and the youth organization (including partner teams) with over 60 teams and more than 1300 players. So a lot of ice is needed. The problem with this ice is exacerbated because the artificial ice rink in Küsnacht (the home base of the GCK Lions) will be renovated from mid-March and will therefore be closed for around a year. So more ice is needed.

Worst case: a few hundred screws have to be replaced

Crisis specialist Klaus is now in demand. And he says: “We assume that the project can be completed on time. The construction processes were adjusted accordingly.»

The Federal Materials Testing Institute Empa is now examining the faulty screws in detail, and a result can be expected by mid-March. Screws that were produced in different series. The question is what caused the problem. Is there a material or production defect? In the worst case, not just a few, but “a few hundred screws would have to be replaced,” says Klaus. “Replacing the screws naturally has an impact on the construction process. That’s why intensive work is being done on other construction areas of the stadium for the time being.” The worst case would probably also mean that claims for damages would be made.

Will ZSC stay a little longer in the Hallenstadion?

The ZSC Lions are now in the process of looking for free ice in the city – including in the Hallenstadion – in the canton and in the region for emergencies. Ice that may not be needed in autumn, but must be reserved as a preventive measure. Lots of free ice.


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